Monday, February 28, 2011

Deeper Into The Thursday Night Experience

Thursday Night proved to be a difficult learning experience. It actually took a couple of days to recover from it, even though K and I discussed and reconciled our issues Thursday and Friday. Friday, we did talk more about the experience and agreed that we would like to try spanking some more (my heart leaps for joy!).

I am finding that some things we try become important to us as part of who we are. Spanking was a fun thought to me in the past, a fantasy. A couple of sessions, a week and a half ago, had been good experiences. Thursday night, though fraught with problems, was still a good experience. While touching on Thursday night, I should probably insert a little information here. Ever since the first spanking session, and before, I had told K that I wanted her to spank me hard enough so that I would remember it the next day or so. What I mean is that I wanted to FEEL it the next day, still carrying results on my ass. I wanted to feel the presence of SOME kind of lasting presence of the spanking she was to lovingly bestow on my derriere. Thursday, was definitely an answer to that. I did feel it all the next day. It was wonderful. K had done exactly what I asked for. There was a little tingle all day long and I could feel that there was some lasting marks, both superficial and not so much so. K had tried her best to oblige me, to give me what I had wanted. She had even commented to that effect: she was only trying to give me that effect. It was one reason that it upset her, that she had tried her best, and it seemed to her that all I did was complain about it. This was an issue for us concerning Thursday night's session, and one I profusely apologized for to her. I love this woman, and I know beyond any doubt that she would not intentionally try to hurt me, whether emotionally or physically. The spanking she was doing Thursday night was multi-faceted; K trying to give me what I had asked for, K trying to be careful, K doing it all in a deep sense of love and vulnerability, and me trying to give feedback for what was working and not.

I was going to continue with this post to tell about a wonderful time we had Saturday night. Changing my mind, it will be the subject of a future post.

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